Scale | 1/72 |
Manufacturer | Caracal Models |
Decal Sheet ID | CD72030 |
Decal Sheet Title | KC-135R Stratotanker |
Types Featured | KC-135R |
Caracal Models have excelled themselves with this sheet. CD72030 features no less than 16 KC-135Rs in recent service. The airframe features are:-
- KC-135R 62-3516 from the 161st ARW, Arizona ANG during 2013. Full color Arizona flag and "ANG 23516" on the fin, together with AMC and ANG shields on the forward fuselage. The nose radome was outlined in red;
- KC-135R 62-3576 from the 157th ARW, New Hampshire ANG during 2010. This carried a blue fin flash containing "New Hampshire" in white, "ANG 23576" on the fin and AMC and ANG shields on the fuselage. The nose radome and windscreen was outlined in light grey;
- KC-135R 63-8872 from the 101st ARW, Maine ANG during 2013. White fin flash outlined in green containing "MAINE" also in green, black "ANG 38872" on the fin and "MAINEiacs" in a white oval on the nose;
- KC-135R 61-0305 from the 97th AMW, AETC based at Altus AFB during 2013. This carried a yellow fin flash outlined in black containing "ALTUS" in red together with a red arrow AETC and 97th AMW shields on the nose;
- KC-135R 61-4840 from the 121st ARW, Ohio ANG during 2012. Red fin flash outlined in black containing "OHIO" in white together with a black arrow, "ANG 14840" in black on the fin and an AMC shield on the nose;
- KC-135R 62-3543 from the 459th ARW, AFRC based at Andrews AFB during 2012. Black/yellow chequered fin band containing "ANDREWS" and "AFRC 23543" on the fin, with AFRC and AMC shields on the nose;
- KC-135R 58-0001 from the 100th ARW, USAFE based at RAF Mildenhall during 2013. Red/white/blue fin stripe containing stars overlaid with RAF Station Mildenhall crest. Black square on fin containing white "D" and "USAFE 80001" in black. Wing shield on left nose and USAFE crest on right nose;
- KC-135R 58-0102 from the 434th ARW, AFRC based at Grissom AFB during 2005. "GRISSOM" in White on a red flash on the lower fuselage, with "AFRC" above and "80102" below. AFRC shield and AMC shield on both sides of the nose;
- KC-135T 58-0065 from the 22nd ARW, AFRC based at McConnell AFB during 2011. White fin flash outlined in black containing "McCONNELL" in black, and "AMC 80065" on fin. AFRC and AMC shields on both sides of the nose;
- KC-135R 60-0345 from the 127th Wing, Michigan ANG during 2012. Black fin band containing "MICHIGAN" in yellow and two yellow chevrons on the lower fin. Large black/jellow chequered band across the forward fuselage overlaid with a large red shield containing "WE STAND READY";
- KC-135R 60-0318 from the 154th Wing, Hawaii ANG during 2013. Yellow fin flash outlined in black and containing "HAWAII" also in black overlaid on rwo red stripes, together with a large white star. "HH" on fin in black together with "AF60 0318";
- KC-135R 59-1506 from the 185th ARW, Iowa ANG during 2013. Yellow fin band outlined in black and containing "SIOUX CITY" in black, together with "ANG 91506" on the fin;
- KC-135R 59-1500 from the 126th ARW, Illinois ANG during 2011. Blue fin flash outlined in red and containing "ILLINOIS" in white with styllised red "I". "ANG 91500" in black on the fin, with AMC shield on the right nose and ANG on the left;
- KC-135R 60-0348 from the 18th Wing based at Kadena AB during 2014. Orange/black tiger striped fin band with "YOUNG TIGERS" above, "ZZ" tailcode and "AF60 348" in black on the fin together with a shogun emblem;
- KC-135R 62-3512 from the 128th ARW, Wisconsin ANG during 2013. White fin band containing "WISCONSIN" in red, "ANG 23512" on the fin, ANG shield on both sides of the nose and a red styllised outline of the state on the left hand side of the nose;
- KC-135R 62-3514 from the 108th ARW, New Jersey ANG during 2013. Orange fin flash cotaining "NEW JERSEY" in black together with a tiger's head and "ANG 23514" on the fin. ANG shield on the left hand side of the nose and AMC shield on the right hand side.
All of these aircraft were painted overall Proud Grey / Battle Grey (FS31473) with black markings.
Instructions comprise a full color 16 page A5 booklet with a left and right nose side view for each aircraft, images of each side of the tail and further details of markings on the boom (not noted above). A full fuselage is provided for the Michigan ANG aircraft which was specially marked. Finally, left, right, upper lower, and scrap views of the stencilling are provided.
The decals come on FOUR separate sheets - two A5 and two smaller. The A5 sheets cover the tail markings (sheet 1) and shields, tail codes and stars'n'bars (sheet 2). Sheet 3 contains outlines for the nose radomes together with white markings for the booms, whilst sheet 4 contains a single set of stencilling together with underfuselage lights and boom markings.
An additional sheet was also provided for early buyers - containing markings for Republic of Singapore and Turkish Air Force aircraft.
This is a packed and highly recommended set and Caracal are to be commended for another fantastic sheet!
Review and images by Chris St Clair