After a year's hiatus, Scale Modelworld has come and gone - and a great show it was too! Not as big as previous years, and lacking the support from most of our overseas friends, but fantastic nonetheless! Our 12' display was completely filled with all-new models (62 in all!) showing just how productive we have all been!
The show would not be the same without our friends, and we would like to call out (amongst many others!) Ted Bayliss, Phil Butler, Alex Hunger, Paul Guppy and Simon Perkins for filling the table, not to mention SIG Leader Haydn (Hughes) who must have been extremely disappointed that only a few of his 20+ new Phantoms made it onto the display!!
Let's hope that 2022 brings us the opportunity to attend more events, and thanks to the SMW Committee for their hard work in making sure the show took place!